Sometimes, the need is to create a multi-project sbt build. But such projects might not always have a root project that makes sense. In such cases, root just serves as an assembler of related sub-projects. Unfortunately, it is hard to get such a case right in build.sbt file. After much searching and experimentation, here is a sample build.sbt, that skips creating and publishing a jar for the root project, but works for other sub-projects:

build.sbt of root project

import sbt._

addCommandAlias("rebuild", ";clean; compile; package")

val Organization           = "random.random"
val ProjectName            = "Multi-project"
val ProjectScalaVersion    = "2.12.1"

// Force scala version
ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) }

Keys.`package` :=  file("")
// Every property in Gobal scope can be overridden by sub-projects if it is defined in their settings
packageBin in Global :=  file("")
packagedArtifacts :=  Map()

// Skip publishing anything by default
publishArtifact in Global := false
publishArtifact in Compile in Global := false
publishArtifact in assembly in Global := false

// publish to is still required!!
publishTo in Global := {
  // Artifactory definition here
credentials in Global += Credentials(
  // Credentials here

lazy val common = Project(
  id = "common-project",
  base = file("common"),
  settings = commonSettings

lazy val main = Project(
  id = "main-project",
  base = file("main"),
  settings = commonSettings
  // Enable publishing the main project here!
  publishArtifact := true) ++ addArtifact(artifact in (Compile, assembly), assembly)

lazy val commonSettings = Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++
lazy val basicSettings = Seq(
  organization := Organization,
  scalaVersion := ProjectScalaVersion,
  updateOptions := updateOptions.value.withCachedResolution(true),

 scalacOptions in Compile ++= Seq(

  // More common settings here